Reverse Phone Number Info

Number Details

Number(818) 797-XXXX
Area Code (NPA)818
Exchange (NXX)797
Subscriber NumberXXXX
CompanyBandwidth.Com Clec, LLC - Ca
CountyLos Angeles
CityLos Angeles
StateCA - California
Zip Code90017
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch TypeEN4

Local Information

CountyLos Angeles
CityLos Angeles
StateCA - California
Zip Code90017
Census Region NameWest
Census Division NamePacific
Local Time (when you loaded this page)4:46 AM
Time ZonePDT
Daylight SavingsYes
Land Square Miles0.73
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units10,610
Average Persons Per Household2.30

Caller Location Map

About this number

(818) 797 is a landline based telephone number operated by Bandwidth.Com Clec, LLC - Ca and is located in zip code 90017 in the city of Los Angeles, California, which is in Los Angeles County, and is in the West. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 818 and Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 797. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 981E. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of LSANCA54DS1. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 730. Zip code 90017 has a population of 23,768 as of the 2010 census.

Recent Comments in 818-797-XXXX


July 17, 2018 10:37 am

Treasury Department scam


April 12, 2017 1:33 pm

Spam. Answered, no response. Hung up. #67 and called number back. Constantly busy.


March 28, 2017 7:16 pm

CRIMINALS. Yes, the same criminal gang. Just a new phone number. This criminal organization is fully supported by our greedy politicians, who share in the profits of crime. Nothing will ever be done in California to stop these criminal gangs from calling us. These criminals exist due to the support of our corrupt politicians and money hungry phone companies, both of which receive significant profits from the abuse by these criminal enterprises. It would be ever so simple for the phone company to identify all unused phone numbers by marking them as "invalid number" as part of the "caller i.d." program and/or the phone companies setting up their own reporting email systems (just like this one). But, the phone companies elect not to identify invalid numbers since they earn substantial income from these criminals calling us every day. We get to pay for these callers too, as we are usually billed for calls from these unwanted spam callers Such is our life in California. Criminals, politicians and the phone companies all share in the common interest of easy money.


August 10, 2016 6:53 am

They are from Church of Scientology and are texting me and calling my husband because he was on a list 43 years ago


August 8, 2016 7:26 pm

This is a robo call fake "you have won a cruise to the Bahamas" scam


July 5, 2016 8:47 am

Received a text from this number based upon a craigslist post. Said they'd send a certified check and arrange for pickup of vehicle when check cleared. Sounds like a scam to me...

Recent Ratings in 818-797-XXXX

Phone Number Rating Date Rated
818-797-0996OK01/23/20 1:44 PM
818-797-0104SPAM03/28/17 7:55 PM
818-797-0103SPAM03/28/17 7:16 PM
818-797-1842SPAM12/30/16 8:46 PM
818-797-0255OK12/13/16 5:02 PM
818-797-1866SPAM12/09/16 8:33 PM
818-797-1866SPAM12/09/16 8:54 AM
818-797-1866SPAM10/29/16 5:24 PM
818-797-1866OK10/29/16 12:50 PM
818-797-1866SPAM10/29/16 9:04 AM