Reverse Phone Number Info

Number Details

Number(817) 523-XXXX
Area Code (NPA)817
Exchange (NXX)523
Subscriber NumberXXXX
CompanyGte-Sw DBA Verizon Sw Inc.-Tx
CountyParker County
StateTX - Texas
Zip Code76082
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeRBOC

Local Information

CountyParker County
StateTX - Texas
Zip Code76082
Census Region NameSouth
Census Division NameWest South Central
Local Time (when you loaded this page)10:59 PM
Time ZoneCDT
Daylight SavingsYes
Land Square Miles100.48
Water Square Miles0.16
Number of Housing Units7,072
Average Persons Per Household2.43

Caller Location Map

About this number

(817) 523 is a landline based telephone number operated by Gte-Sw DBA Verizon Sw Inc.-Tx and is located in zip code 76082 in the city of Springtown, Texas, which is in Parker County, and is in the South. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 817 and Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 523. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 2154. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of SPTWTXXADS0. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 552. Zip code 76082 has a population of 17,748 as of the 2010 census.

Recent Comments in 817-523-XXXX


October 28, 2024 5:33 am

What I learned is that this is a Google Voice ""cover"" #. Cover may not be the proper term, but I have a Google Voice phone # myself that I use for business purposes. GVoice gives you a ""cover"" # that's different from your cell # but it rings to your cell, preventing someone from needing to get 2 phones for business and personal use. It appears this # also shows when kids who don't have cell phones try to contact another friend through Google Hangouts or some feature like that. So in our case, this call came from one of my son's actual friends. My son gave his friend my cell # to give to the boy's mom, but the boy ended up calling me himself. So don't believe mine should be categorized as Spam but would be helpful for parents and people to know how all this works before giving kids access to it.


October 26, 2024 10:40 pm

Yeah these globalists are pure evil. They know exactly what they are doing. They want a gay planet to themselves.


October 25, 2024 3:54 pm

Discover the top 10 insane methods to enhance your size and boost your confidence in our latest video: "10 Insane Ways to Make Your Dick Bigger." Whether you're looking for natural techniques, exercises, or innovative products, we've got you covered! Join us as we explore effective strategies, tips, and tricks that have been tried and tested to help you achieve the results you desire. Remember, results may vary, and it's essential to prioritize your health and safety. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more exciting content! Watch now to unlock the secrets to confidence and enhancement!


October 21, 2024 1:19 pm

the world has so many problems that seem beyond repair, such as the middle East and so forth. I did not vote for Trump, but ...if only he does one thing, it would help America so much in a tangible way: stop these brutal, don't give an ef daily abusive robo-telemarketer/scam/spammers. How about 'Make the Do not Call List mean something Again'? Criminals became so empowered by COVID and work at home. plus, they see the government lie so much from Fauci on down, and get away with it. How about, and just throwing this out there: execute scam/spam/phish/vish/POS telemarketers who harass people on the do not call registry? Make it impossible to receive any email that one cannot respond to and report as accurate to abuse departments? if you can't conform, you are banned from the internet and go to jail.

Recent Ratings in 817-523-XXXX

Phone Number Rating Date Rated
817-523-0002OK10/26/24 8:41 PM
817-523-0002SPAM10/20/24 9:19 AM