Number | (678) 929-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 678 |
Exchange (NXX) | 929 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | Deltacom, Inc. - Ga |
Country | USA |
County | Fulton |
City | Atlanta |
State | GA - Georgia |
Zip Code | 30303 |
OCN | 4617 |
Date Assigned | |
Prefix Type | CLEC |
Switch Name | |
Switch Type | |
LATA | 438 |
Country | USA |
County | Fulton |
City | Atlanta |
State | GA - Georgia |
Zip Code | 30303 |
Census Region Name | South |
Census Division Name | South Atlantic |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | 11:55 PM |
Time Zone | EST |
Daylight Savings | No |
Latitude | 33.75562 |
Longitude | -84.38754 |
Land Square Miles | 1.04 |
Water Square Miles | |
Population | 5,934 |
Number of Housing Units | 1,749 |
Average Persons Per Household | 5.00 |
November 18, 2020 6:20 am
Asked for me by name. Would not tell me who they were without telling them my date of birth I refused without her giving me the name of the company and she hung up
December 23, 2016 6:58 am
Man called from this number. I called the number back and it just plays music. Must be a scam.
December 23, 2016 6:57 am
Man called from this number. I called the number back and it just plays music. Must be a scam.
Phone Number | Rating | Date Rated |
678-929-1701 | SPAM | 11/18/20 6:18 AM |
678-929-1387 | SPAM | 12/15/16 6:50 PM |
678-929-2350 | SPAM | 09/28/16 1:17 PM |
678-929-6341 | SPAM | 09/07/16 12:35 PM |