Number | (646) 885-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 646 |
Exchange (NXX) | 885 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | McImetro Access Transmission s |
Country | USA |
County | New York |
City | New York |
State | NY - New York |
Zip Code | 10013 |
OCN | 7229 |
Date Assigned | |
Prefix Type | CLEC |
Switch Name | NEW YORK CITY |
Switch Type | Northern Telecom DMS100 (Digital) Host |
LATA | 132 |
Country | USA |
County | New York |
City | New York |
State | NY - New York |
Zip Code | 10013 |
Census Region Name | Northeast |
Census Division Name | Mid-Atlantic |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | 3:50 AM |
Time Zone | EST |
Daylight Savings | No |
Latitude | 40.71841 |
Longitude | -74.0088 |
Land Square Miles | 0.55 |
Water Square Miles | |
Population | 27,700 |
Number of Housing Units | 13,460 |
Average Persons Per Household | 2.08 |
April 7, 2019 4:44 pm
I was on the phone talking to a friend when the call came in. I did not answer it and there was no message left.
December 7, 2017 11:05 am
Salesperson from the Signpost was told we were not interested. Continues to call daily despite asking him to stop.
September 7, 2017 4:58 pm
This was a spammer. These people need to be killed
March 21, 2017 9:02 am
Called my office and nobody there. Caller I.D. said McGladrey LLP.
February 6, 2017 12:21 pm
Never requested this service and they called three times in one day....
November 10, 2016 1:48 pm
Phone Number | Rating | Date Rated |
646-885-8607 | SPAM | 04/07/19 4:41 PM |
646-885-8579 | OK | 12/17/18 11:56 AM |
646-885-0665 | SPAM | 09/07/17 4:57 PM |
646-885-0618 | SPAM | 04/19/17 9:16 AM |
646-885-0564 | SPAM | 03/03/17 11:56 AM |
646-885-0590 | SPAM | 02/06/17 12:20 PM |
646-885-2433 | OK | 10/28/16 3:15 PM |
646-885-6882 | SPAM | 09/27/16 12:00 PM |
646-885-0663 | SPAM | 09/26/16 8:31 AM |
646-885-0647 | SPAM | 08/03/16 12:05 PM |