Number | (567) 206-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 567 |
Exchange (NXX) | 206 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | Long Distance Of Michigan, INC |
Country | USA |
County | Lucas |
City | Toledo |
State | OH - Ohio |
Zip Code | 43604 |
OCN | 977 |
Date Assigned | 01/08/2004 |
Prefix Type | CLEC |
Switch Name | |
Switch Type | |
LATA | 326 |
Country | USA |
County | Lucas |
City | Toledo |
State | OH - Ohio |
Zip Code | 43604 |
Census Region Name | Midwest |
Census Division Name | East North Central |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | 9:42 AM |
Time Zone | EST |
Daylight Savings | No |
Latitude | 41.64987 |
Longitude | -83.53859 |
Land Square Miles | 2.82 |
Water Square Miles | 0.25 |
Population | 10,154 |
Number of Housing Units | 5,704 |
Average Persons Per Household | 2.00 |
February 22, 2024 1:48 pm
July 16, 2016 5:10 pm
He called me too. What did you do?
July 13, 2016 3:49 pm
Someone text me when to know if my business accepts credit cards and wants me to do a job for them. Their approach is very similar to an online scam.
October 29, 2014 9:12 am
someone is on the other end. i text back to them every they are asking me what i getting wha they deserve
October 29, 2014 9:11 am
this number replied to me via craigslist trying to get me on a check scam for my item sale
October 27, 2014 10:03 am
SCAM.....Received a text message from this number in regards to some furniture that I'm selling on Craigslist. Wanting me to give them my name and address so that they could mail me a check. Once "cashed" they would send a mover to pick up. Do not waste your time on this.
Phone Number | Rating | Date Rated |
567-206-8496 | SPAM | 05/20/24 4:04 PM |
567-206-8426 | SPAM | 02/12/24 8:16 AM |
567-206-0024 | SPAM | 03/17/20 3:35 PM |
567-206-8439 | SPAM | 01/29/19 5:11 PM |
567-206-8426 | SPAM | 07/13/18 12:05 PM |
567-206-8490 | SPAM | 02/06/18 6:20 PM |
567-206-8817 | SPAM | 12/07/17 1:28 PM |
567-206-8469 | SPAM | 11/21/17 2:03 PM |
567-206-8469 | SPAM | 10/28/17 6:54 PM |
567-206-8426 | SPAM | 03/16/17 10:42 AM |