Number | (559) 449-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 559 |
Exchange (NXX) | 449 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | Pacific Bell |
Country | USA |
County | Fresno |
City | Fresno |
State | CA - California |
Zip Code | 93704 |
OCN | 9740 |
Date Assigned | |
Prefix Type | RBOC |
Switch Name | FRESNO (SIERRA) |
Switch Type | WECO 5ESS Host (Digital) |
LATA | 728 |
Country | USA |
County | Fresno |
City | Fresno |
State | CA - California |
Zip Code | 93704 |
Census Region Name | West |
Census Division Name | Pacific |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | 5:14 AM |
Time Zone | PDT |
Daylight Savings | Yes |
Latitude | 36.82985 |
Longitude | -119.79964 |
Land Square Miles | 5.48 |
Water Square Miles | |
Population | 27,156 |
Number of Housing Units | 11,678 |
Average Persons Per Household | 2.45 |
April 23, 2021 2:13 pm
Caller claimed to be calling from Medicare. I told her that Medicare doesn't call and she said how do I know that...then told me if I believe that then she's not going to talk to me and the call ended.
January 2, 2019 4:46 pm
This is Community Behavioral Health and yes it's for patients needing mental health help
April 11, 2017 7:43 pm
It was a hospital ward for 5150 patients to get connected to the outside world
Phone Number | Rating | Date Rated |
559-449-1221 | OK | 09/18/16 11:54 PM |